
德甲 8℃ 0


  1户外外交:outdoor diplomacy

  2国产航母:domestically built aircraft carrier/舾装工作:outfitting/武器系统:weapon system

  3史上最大罚单:record high fine/罚没金额:fines and confiscations/没收违法所得:confiscate the illegal gains

  4总体规划:overall planning/国际一流的和谐宜居之都:top-class capital of harmony and liveability

  5“生前契约”:pre-plan funeral arrangement contracts/临终关怀:hospice care/殡葬服务:funeral service/纪念:memorial service/死亡教育:death education

  6流动儿童:migrant children/留守儿童:left-behind children

  7清理整顿当地旅游行业:clean up the local tourism industry/强制购物:forced shopping/超低价团:overly cheap tours/欺诈游客fraud targeted at tourists

  8受贿:bribery/滥权:abuse of authority/和泄漏政府机密:leaking government secrets

  9名额分配:slot allocation

  10回收火箭:recycled rocket





  Chinese Premier Li Keqiang took a casual harbor walk and watched an exciting Australian football game with his Australian counterpart Malcolm Turnbull on Saturday, extending his outdoor diplomacyto strengthen the ties between the two peoples.


  李克强总理一行于当地时间3月22日深夜抵达澳大利亚首都堪培拉,之后的两天,李克强基本是连轴转地参加了一系列活动。到了25日,两位总理摘掉领带,闲庭信步,以更加轻松和亲民的方式进行交流,被媒体称为“户外外交”(outdoor diplomacy)或者“不打领带的外交”(tieless diplomacy)。




  During a tie-less walk with Turnbull in the Royal Botanic Garden, Li chatted with local Australians in English, and cheerfully took selfies with Chinese tourists and his Australian counterpart.





  Before the game started, Li met with the players and practiced how to catch and pass a ball. He also accepted a gift scarf from each club and tied the two scarves together before wearing them on his neck.


  "I wear both of them even though the weather is not cold at all to show my love and support for both teams," said the Chinese premier. "I will cheer for you all no matter which side wins."


  "The two tied scarves also show the power of China-Australia cooperation as well as the colorfulness of diverse civilizations," Li said.


  Li's ease with the public and his good sense of humor serve as yet another sign of China's growing confidence in working with Western countries.






  China's first domestically built aircraft carrier is being outfitted with equipment and the work is progressing smoothly, Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said on Thursday.


  国防大学教授朱成虎称,舾装工作(outfitting)指安装雷达(install radar)、动力系统和其他关键组件,但武器系统(weapon system)等只能等航母下水(the carrier is launched into the water)之后才能安装。朱成虎称,航母下水只是第一步。按照目前的进度(by current progress),新航母在正式交付海军(be officially handed to the Navy)之前还需要经过一至两年的测试。不过,我国首艘国产航母下水对于我们打造世界级海军是一个里程碑式的事件(a monumental step toward building a world class navy)。


  3月30日,中国证监会公布对"多伦股份"操纵案的处罚决定书,依法对鲜言作出"没一罚五"的顶格处罚,罚金高达34.7亿元。据悉,这是证监会开出的"史上最大罚单(record/all-time high fine)"。



  China's securities regulator slapped a record high fineof RMB3.47b on a company chairman for stock market manipulation.


  据悉,这是证监会开出的"史上最大罚单(record/all-time high fine)"。统计显示,2016年证监会全年的罚没金额(fines and confiscations)为42.83亿元。相比之下,这张史上最大罚单金额之高,亮明了监管部门对资本市场(capital market)乱象重拳出击的决心。时任"多伦股份"董事长的鲜言也被终身禁入证券市场(be banned for life from trading on the securities market)。

  决定书披露,鲜言通过采用集中资金优势、持股优势、信息优势连续买卖(continuous purchase and sale),在自己实际控制的证券账户(securities account)之间交易,虚假申报(report falsely to the stock market regulator)等方式,影响"多伦股份"交易价格和交易量(trading volume),违法所得共计5.78亿元。同时,鲜言也未按规定报告、公告其持股变动信息。

  根据当事人违法行为(unlawful act)的事实、性质、情节与社会危害程度,证监会决定对鲜言没收违法所得(confiscate the illegal gains)5.78亿元,并处以28.92亿元罚款,罚没款合计34.7亿元,对其信息披露(information disclosure)违法行为,给予警告并处以60万元罚款。





  Beijing plans to meet the national air quality standard by 2030, according to a blueprint for the city's overall planning (2016-2030).


  The Chinese capital aims to cut the concentration of hazardous fine particle matter PM2.5 to 56 micrograms per cubic meter in 2020 and 35 micrograms per cubic meter in 2030, according to the document.


  草案提出了北京至2020年、2030年、2050年三个阶段的发展目标。其中,草案提出,至2030年,基本建成国际一流的和谐宜居之都(top-class capital of harmony and liveability),治理“大城市病”(big city disease)取得显著成效,首都核心功能更加优化(core functions of the capital more optimized),京津冀区域一体化(Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration)格局基本形成。


战略定位 strategic positioning

  政治中心(political center)、文化中心(cultural center)、国际交往中心(international exchange center)、科技创新中心(scientific and technological innovation center)

发展目标 goal of development

  建成国际一流的和谐宜居之都(top-class capital of harmony and liveability)

城市规模 scale of the city

  2020年,人口规模在2300万人;2020年,城乡建设用地规模(the scale of land used in urban and rural construction)减至2860平方公里左右;2030年,城乡建设用地规模减至2760平方公里左右。

城市空间结构 spatial structure of the city


  “一主”指中心城区(central city),包括东城区、西城区、朝阳区、海淀区、丰台区、石景山区;

  “一副”指北京城市副中心(subcenter of the capital);

  “两轴”指中轴线及其延长线(the axis line and its extension)、长安街及其延长线(Chang’an Avenue and its extension);

  “多点”(multiple areas)指门头沟、房山、顺义、大兴、亦庄、昌平、平谷、怀柔、密云、延庆10个周边城区。

生态控制区 ecological control area

  将北京约16410平方公里的市域空间划分为生态控制区(ecological control area)、限制建设区(restricted constructive expansion area)、禁止建设区(no constructive expansion area),生态控制区面积2020年约占市域面积的73%,2030年提高到75%左右。

历史文化名城保护 preservation of historic cultural city

  四个空间层次范围,即旧城(old town)、中心城区(central city)、市域(city area)和区域(district area)

  两大重点区域,即旧城(old town)和三山五园(three mountains and five parks);

  三条文化带,即长城文化带(the Great Wall culture belt)、运河文化带(the canal culture belt)、西山文化带(the Xishan mountain culture belt)。

绿色目标 green targets

  2030年,全市森林覆盖率(forest coverage)达到45%以上;

  2030年,建成区人均公园绿地面积(per capita public green areas)16.8平方米/人;

  2030年,绿色出行(green commuting)比例超过80%;

  2020年,轨道交通里程(rail traffic mileage)达到1000公里左右。


  28日,21世纪教育研究院发布了国内首本流动儿童蓝皮书(Blue Book of Migrant Children)。


  Only 80% of migrant childrenwho qualify for nine-year compulsory education in China as of 2014 could attend public schools where their parents live, according to a report.


  蓝皮书指出,我国有超过200万外来务工人员子女(children of migrant workers)未能进入父母现居住城市的公办小学或初中就读(enroll in public primary or junior schools in the cities where their parents live)。

  目前,我国尚未制定全国统一的有关农民工随迁子女(children of rural migrant workers who live in cities with their parents)学前教育(preschool education)的管理规范,也未将其纳入基本公共服务(basic public services)范畴。截至2014年年底,城市义务教育阶段流动儿童(migrant children)在公办学校就读比例为79.5%,其余的流动儿童只能在民办学校(private school)或者条件简陋的打工子弟学校(poorly constructed school set up specifically for migrant children)就读。蓝皮书给出的数据显示,2015年10月,全国流动人口总量达2.47亿,作为流动人口子女的流动儿童和留守儿童(left-behind children)这两个群体总数约1亿人。

  2014年,致力于改善流动儿童生活的非政府组织(nongovernmental organization dedicated to improving the lives of migrant children)"新公民计划(New Citizen Program)"发布的一份报告显示,流动儿童的数量增长迅速。2000年,全国18岁以下流动儿童(migrant children under 18 years old nationwide)的数量为1980万,2010年,该数字增至3580万。出版该蓝皮书的社会科学文献社社长谢寿光表示,由于我国正朝建设小康社会的目标迈进(work toward the goal of building a moderately well-off society),应对流动儿童的生存现状和教育(living conditions and education)予以更多关注。




  Yunnan province will introduce 22 measures to clean up the local tourism industry, the provincial tourism administrative authority said on Monday.



  The measures, which will come into effect on April 15, include forbidding forced shopping and overly cheap tours, punishing fraud targeted at tourists, and strengthening regulation of tour guides via an online information and evaluation system.


  云南一直是国内外游客心之向往的旅游目的地,但是近年来,有关导游诱骗、欺诈游客消费,甚至辱骂或殴打游客的新闻频繁见诸报端,“零负团费”(free and incentive tours)、“购物陷阱”(shopping traps)、“打骂游客”(beating and insulting tourists)已成云南旅游业的痼疾顽症。

  此次,云南推出“史上最严”整治措施,试图从根源解决旅游市场乱象(irregularities in the tourism industry),以下亮点值得关注。

禁止“不合理低价游” banning overly cheap tours

  禁止旅行社发布、销售“不合理低价游”产品和接待相关团队,对违反规定的旅行社进行停业整顿(travel agencies luring tourists with prices lower than costs will be suspended from business for a set period),对整顿后再犯的依法吊销经营许可证(those who continue to sell overly cheap tours after suspension will have their business licenses revoked);实行新的旅游标准合同,取消旅游合同中的购物附加条款;建立旅行社“黑名单”制度。

清理购物陷阱 clearing up shopping traps

  取消旅游定点购物(designating specific shopping venues for tourists is prohibited),将所有旅游购物企业纳入普通商品零售企业统一监管。严禁变相安排和诱导购物,防止形成新的灰色利益链条。严惩针对游客的欺诈销售(fraudulent selling),包括“药托”“酒托”等诱骗行为。

加强导游监管 strengthening regulation of tour guides

  针对导游服务质量问题,云南将建立全省导游管理平台(tour guide management platform),把全省所有导游纳入平台进行实时动态监管;建立导游服务质量网上评价系统(online evaluation system),评价结果作为导游星级评定的主要依据,公开导游考核评价结果(the evaluation results will be made public);强化签约导游(contracted tour guides)管理,建立合理薪酬制度,保障导游合法权益。州市政府主要领导为旅游市场监管第一责任人。发生恶性旅游事件,造成恶劣社会影响的,要对相关责任人严肃问责。

设立旅游巡回法庭 setting up tourist circuit court

  旅游纠纷案件主要系旅游服务合同纠纷(travel contract disputes)和人身财产损害赔偿纠纷(compensation disputes concerning physical and asset damage)。绝大多数案件都可以适用小额诉讼程序、简易程序(simplified procedure),做到“四个快”,即:快立、快审、快结、快执,力争实现当日受理案件、当日审理办结、当日即时履行。

  上海试行“生前契约” 让人们学会告别



  Cemeteries in Shanghai are running trials on pre-plan funeral arrangement contracts.



  The service allows people to decide their own funeral arrangements. They sign contracts with funeral service providers and tailor the service content to suit themselves.


  “生前契约”(pre-plan funeral arrangement contracts)是一个涵盖从临终关怀(hospice care)、殡葬服务(funeral service),到纪念(memorial service)及死亡教育(death education)等流程内容的个性定制化服务产品(personalized service),每项服务可由当事人自己增选、定制,而且费用可以在签订契约之前商定,然后落实到契约中。

  “生前契约”的普及率在美国高达90%,在日本也已超过70%,但是在国内的接受度还不高,最大的阻碍是传统观念。中国人一般比较忌讳谈死,很多市民认为给自己操办丧事会“触霉头”、“不吉利”(talking about death is believed to bring ill fortune by many Chinese people)。

  中国殡葬协会专家委员会常务副主任兼秘书长伊华表示,很多人内心对身后事是有需求的,但是受传统观念影响,不能用自己想要的方式告别,“‘生前契约’就是让人在活着的时候和家人一起商量身后事情,对死亡有个准备(get prepared for death),不至于家人为身后事忙乱。”


  首尔中央地方法院3月31日凌晨就朴槿惠受贿、滥权和泄漏政府机密等指控(charges of bribery, abuse of authority, and leaking government secrets)对其签发了逮捕令(approve an arrest warrant)。



  South Korea's disgraced former president Park Geun-hye was arrested and jailed Friday over high-profile corruption allegations that already ended her tumultuous four-year rule and prompted an election to find her successor.


  首尔中央地方法院3月31日凌晨就朴槿惠受贿、滥权和泄漏政府机密等指控(charges of bribery, abuse of authority, and leaking government secrets)对其签发了逮捕令(approve an arrest warrant)。这一决定是在接近9小时的庭审(a nearly nine-hour court hearing)后作出的。朴槿惠成为韩国宪政史上第一位被罢免的民选总统(the first democratically elected leader to be thrown out of office),也是继卢泰愚、全斗焕后第三位遭拘押的韩国前总统(the third former president to be jailed)。

  法官称,考虑到检方提出的朴槿惠涉嫌罪名以及证据被销毁的风险(risk of evidence being destroyed),法院对其予以批捕。目前,朴槿惠已被移送至首尔拘留中心。韩媒报道称,在被正式起诉前,她最多可被关押20天(be held for up to 20 days before being formally charged)。在此期间,检方将继续调查其涉嫌与长期闺蜜崔顺实共谋(collude with her longtime confidante Choi Soon-sil)向大企业施压(pressure big businesses)要求赞助两个基金会的指控。如果朴槿惠接受大型财团老板贿赂并提供回报(receive bribes from bosses of big conglomerate in return for favors)的罪名成立,她可能面临10年以上监禁(face more than 10 years in prison)。


  自今年1月国际足联通过世界杯重大改革计划(a grand plan to revolutionize the World Cup),将参赛球队从32支扩大为48支(increase the number of teams from 32 to 48)之后,各大洲的参赛席位数量就备受关注。



  The FIFA Council on Thursday agreed on a proposed slot allocation for the World Cup 2026, which will witness 48 teams in the finals.


  根据国际足联理事会30日公布的2026年世界杯参赛席位在六个大洲足协(six confederation)之间的分配方案,参加决赛阶段比赛(finals)的48个名额中的46个的分配已确定。46个直接晋级席位(direct berth)的分配为:欧洲16个,非洲9个,亚洲8个,中北美6个,南美6个,大洋洲1个。剩余的2个席位将以6支球队参加的附加赛来决出(the last two berths will be decided through a play-off tournament involving six teams)。

  东道主国家(host country)队伍将自动晋级决赛阶段比赛(automatically qualify the finals),但占用其所在大洲足协的一个名额(its slot will be taken from the quota of its confederation)。在联合承办的情况发生时(in the event of co-hosting),国际足联将另行决定自动晋级的情况。


  30日下午6时27分,SpaceX公司使用回收火箭(recycled rocket)猎鹰9号(Falcon 9)在肯尼迪航天中心将卢森堡卫星运营商(satellite operator)SES公司的一颗通信卫星(communication satellite)送入地球同步轨道(geosynchronous orbit)。


  US space firm SpaceX made history on Thursday as it launched a recycled rocket back into space for the first time and then landed its first stage on a droneship in the Atlantic Ocean.


  30日下午6时27分,SpaceX公司使用回收火箭(recycled rocket)猎鹰9号(Falcon 9)在肯尼迪航天中心将卢森堡卫星运营商(satellite operator)SES公司的一颗通信卫星(communication satellite)送入地球同步轨道(geosynchronous orbit)。约10分钟后,该火箭第一级降落在大西洋中一艘名为"我当然还爱你"的无人船(droneship named "Of Course I Still Love You")上。

  这是国际航天史上第一次成功实现轨道类火箭的再度发射(reflight of an orbital class rocket)。这枚猎鹰9号火箭是SpaceX成功在海上回收的首枚火箭。2016年4月8日,它将一艘为国际空间(International Space Station, ISS)提供补给的"龙"货运飞船(cargo spaceship)送上太空后,安然在"我当然还爱你"无人船上降落。

  SpaceX表示,完全可重复使用的火箭(fully reusable rocket)和可快速重复使用的火箭(rapidly reusable rocket)都是打开商业太空飞行(commercial space flight)市场大门的钥匙。通过火箭的回收再利用,该公司计划将发射成本(launch cost)降低约30%。传统火箭都是一次性使用(expendable, for single use),在发射后燃烧殆尽或坠落海中(burn up or crash into the ocean after liftoff)。







